About Me!

    Hi, my name is Taisha Stewart. I am a 20-year old currently in my 3rd year, attending Philadelphia University. I'm majoring in Fashion Merchandising with a minor in Photography.

    I have always been interested in fashion and anything challenging my creative skills. Ever since I was little I was always busy doing something; whether it was doing my baby dolls' hair, crocheting, drawing clothes, or attempting to make jewelry. I have always been interested in creating; anything DIY makes me happy. Today, I am involved in so much. I have been playing the violin since I was 5 years old, I crochet and knit, make jewelry, sew any- and everything I put my mind to, take pictures/do photography, do hair, and I love doing any other random DIY crafts that interest me at the time.

    This is my very first blog and with it I plan to showcase my many talents in really creative and urban ways. The reason I named it Eclectic Showroom was because my interests and hobbies are such a wide range. "Eclectic= deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources". I felt as if this was a perfect word to explain my interests. I think the things that I do could inspire and help others create and do what they love just as I do. I want everyone to be happy and not regret taking risks and advantage of resources available to them in order to be creative in some sort. 

    So with this blog, I hope to show my personal style and style advice, my photography, my DIY crafts along with instructions to make it my, creations from crocheting/knitting and sewing, and my traveling that I do! Please feel free to post any comments, questions, concerns, and other ideas or suggestions that I could use to better my crafts or blog.

    I hope you all enjoy this journey that I embark upon throughout my wonderful and spontaneous years to come! Hopefully this blog will encourage and inspire you all to create and be creative. Embrace who you are and enjoy life day by day. Don't let negative energy bring you down, instead live with no regrets, grudges, or pain. Do what makes you happy and stay open-minded. These words will truly help you move through life much easier with great happiness.

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